Hey Hi!!

I'm Soumith, Just a random programmer waiting for lot of oppurtunities.

Yeah you read that right I code a bit, write algos a bit, deploy solutions and above all I try to sound a bit crazy. Don't worry I'll try my level best to find some crazy solutions to your problems

Things I Can Do

Can I really do these things?? Only way to know is to contact me and give me some work.

  • Write all the code
  • Deploy Cloud Solutions
  • Read books (seriously?)
  • Drink too much coffee
  • Rapid Prototypes
  • Community contributor

A Few Accomplishments

These are just small samples, on my way to do something way big.

Rover, the one which can see

Yes this rover is amazing as you can read the title, it can get its way around obstacles. Way cool right.

Cars and cars

Who doesn't like cars? So created a small scale supercars database with php and MySQL.

And yeah some Tech Quizzes

Being in pace with this Gizmo world, any doubts you can obviously test me LOL.

Contact Me

Any queries contact me straight away. Crazy queries please just don't stop, crazy ideas leads to biggest breakthroughs.